Koda and Laska

Koda and Laska's session is the new record holder for "Session that got Rained Out the Most". I think we actually lost count of how many times we had to reschedule. In fact, Koda and Laska's mom is pregnant and we were worried she would have her baby before we could get a dry day in! Fortunately, it has been a little drier lately and we got lucky with a beautiful, sunshiny evening! We started off the session photographing Laska. Laska is an adopted pup believed to be an Alaskan Malamute mix. He's as sweet as can be and sports a super-adorable underbite. Seriously. Check out his two smiles below...

Laska is a little of an adventurer. Lol! He likes to wonder a bit but he always comes running back to mom and dad. :)Koda, also a very handsome rescue, is a Flat Coat Retriever mix. He has so much soul in his eyes. I can see why his parents couldn't pass him by.Koda has a secret grin that his mom told me about. I don't think I got to see it during our session but I don't mind his normal smile. I think the edges of his mouth turn up when he's super excited!Koda really is a stunner...Of the two brothers, Laska is the more cuddly of the pair. I'd sure like to curl up with him on a cold evening!Did I say something funny, Koda???Oh, he was just waiting for a treat!Koda gets spooked easily by loud noises. We wanted to be sure his session happened on a day without any chance of thunder occurring. I'm so glad we waited because he sure looks comfortable and happy!!!My dog LOVES to go between our legs. We call it the "carwash". Do your pups do the same thing?And one last shot of Laska's grin. What a happy face!!!

I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Koda and Laska's parents. They were so understanding and patient when it came to the weather. I'm so glad we finally got a reprieve from the storms and were able to spend an evening together. I hope they enjoy the sneak peek!