Blog Challenge #3

This month's blog challenge is...WATER! Woohoo! I had HUGE plans for this one! Sadly, uh, they didn't work out quite as planned. Oh well! On to new adventures!

So my husband and I were going to pack up the dogs and head out to Carolina Beach for a nice little camping trip by the Intracoastal Waterway Over Easter weekend. We were hoping for sunshine, warmth, and just a relaxing weekend. Unfortunately, the weather was calling for rain and lows in the low 40's. Now normally that wouldn't deter me...but my hubby is a different story. He's not a big camping guy anyway. He insists we bring all the luxuries of home with us ('cause God forbid you have to sleep on the ground in a tent). That being said, lows in the 40's and rain just weren't going to fly with him.

Instead of our camping trip, we spent Friday heading up to the mountains and doing some waterfall exploring. As our luck would have it, the waterfall we went to was "under construction".  Like seriously?!? They had been cutting down trees all around it and the fallen trunks and lumber weren't the best looking things at the bottom of a gorgeous waterfall. They also made it a little treacherous to get to the base. Not good for dogs per se. 

To make the best of a worsening situation, I decided to make this month's Wee World in a lovely little mountain stream. Eva was happy to oblige and posed nicely for me on a rock. Not quite the waterfall gorgeousness I pictured in my head, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do (especially for the safety of my pup).

I really want to go back up there in the next few weeks. The rhododendron is about to bloom and, once the trees pop, it's going to be amazeballs! 

So here is my take on WATER...

Now don't forget to follow the blog ring. Check out Ruth's take on the water theme on the Ruthless Photo blog HERE.