Lucy - The Youngest 12-Year-Old

I want to start this blog post by saying that I want to be adopted by Lucy's human family! Not just her parents, but her entire family tree. This is the third session I've had within their family and each and every one was a complete joy and pleasure. I seriously love these dog lovers!!! :) Another side note...this session really got me thinking about my start in photography. I traveled up to Chapel Hill, NC for the photo shoot and one of the locations we shot at was UNC. Now, why does that matter? Well, way back in 7th grade during my first photography class, my teacher, Mr. Corbin, took some time to educate us on the NCAA basketball tournament (I know, I know, haha!). At the time of this little off-topic conversation, the tournament was already down to the Final Four. Mr. Corbin was a huge Kentucky fan and he was so stoked on their chance of winning the whole thing. To make things interesting, he asked who we were pulling for and wrote it down on the chalkboard - don't worry, there wasn't any gambling involved! I honestly had NO idea about the NCAA so I randomly picked UNC to win. Well, yay, they ended up winning!!!! Totally cool for me! So...ever since then, I have been a big UNC fan. Long story short, it was cool to actually be photographing on the campus of UNC - a place I've been a fan of for so many years only because of my first photography class.

Anyway, now onto the good stuff!

As I mentioned, I traveled up to Chapel Hill for Lucy's session. We got to spend a gorgeous - but hot - evening photographing her at her home and at a field at UNC. This spunky girl had me fooled because she moves like a 2-year-old but is actually 12! I would have never guessed! She can run after squirrels and tennis balls like nobody's business! Here, she is chasing a S...Q...I...

Jack Russell PhotographyDurham Pet PhotographyShe also does a great job of looking after her 2-legged brother and sister...Charlotte Pet PhotographerAnd they thank her for it! :)Charlotte Dog PhotographerCharlotte Pet PhotographerCharlotte Dog PhotographyJack Russell PhotographerHer favorite toy in the whole world!!!Chapel Hill Dog PhotographerChapel Hill Pet PhotographerDurham Pet PhotographerEeeeeekkkkk! I love her!!!Chapel Hill Pet PhotographerUNC Pet PhotographerLucy likes to show off her catching moves...Charlotte Pet PhotographyDurham Dog Photographer

Thanks to Lucy's family for such a wonderful session! I hope you enjoy the sneak peek and there will be more to come (including ones with her brother and sister)! XOXO!