Mooresville Pet Photography

Jenna and Gunnar

Whew!!!! I'm about out of breath just looking at the images of these two playful pups! Seriously! Jenna and Gunnar's mom warned me that this pair was full of energy and that they LOVED to play and chase each other. Right away I could see that she was spot on. These 2, 6-month-old Tibetan Terriers made me work for every shot I got. They were a crack up with tons of energy to spare!!!

Now don't let this first image fool you! No! This was after about an hour-and-a-half of playtime. I'll first introduce you to the calm side of Jenna (the white and sable lady) and Gunnar (the black and white boy)... :)

And it's on!!!Is Gunnar still back there chasing me? He better be!!!Melt my heart!!! Oh My Dog! These puppies are sooooo cute!!!!After quite a bit of playtime, the pups "settled down" long enough to do some posing. Tibetan Terriers are known to be a little stubborn so I had to be quick before I lost their attention!  Finally break time!!Gunnar certainly seemed to be the most adventurous and bold of the pair. He was the first to make a getaway out of the yard and down toward the lakefront.Of course Jenna had to follow!The grass was way more interesting than me! Hahaha! Fuzzy cuteness overload!!!I hope you enjoyed this pair's sneak peek! I'm off to go steal them now... ;)

Lou and Kirra - Angel Session

Wow! It has been a couple weeks since my last blog post and I apologize. For those that don't know, I sold my house and have temporarily moved into an apartment. It has been a super-busy few weeks filled with inspections, contracts, negotiations, closings, moving, boxes, tons of clutter, and the worst part, no internet/computer. Now that I'm mostly unpacked and back up and running, it's time to play catch-up and get some new furry faces out there to warm your hearts. And I can't think of a better way to do that than to introduce you to Lou and Kirra. Lou and Kirra's mom contacted me just after finding out that Taloulah, or Lou for short, was diagnosed with oral squamous cell carcinoma. It was a heartbreaking diagnosis as the tumor is causing Miss Lou to lose the ability to open and close her mouth. Unfortunately, it's not operable and, since the photo shoot, they have made the very hard decision to begin radiation.

I was honored to meet Lou and her sister, Kirra, the day after their mom contacted me. After days and days and days of rain, we lucked out and had dry skies and even a peek of sunshine. I believe the doggy angels in the sky were on our side.

We decided to photograph these pretty ladies around their house. They love to lounge around so we decided to keep them comfortable and let them do their thing. What a special evening filled with stories, laughter, tears, and much, much love...

This is sweet Lou. She was a wonderful lady for our session and she really worked the head tilts and smiles for me. She got to chill out on the front porch - one of her favorite places to hang out. Despite being under the weather, she kept her ears perky and heart open. Love!!!Lou loves the extra attention... Her little, furry paws make me smile. :)After spending some time with Lou, I got to hang out with Kirra. Beautiful Kirra was a crack up! Because of all of the rain, the grass was a little long in the backyard. She refused to walk on it! She did NOT want her precious paws to get wet. Once or twice, with a stern voice and tons of treats, we coaxed her into the yard. Silly girl!!And that was that! Back to the safety of the deck!Curious George-ette. Lol!Such a beauty!I quickly discovered the many faces of Kirra. Like I said, she was a crack up! I'm almost positive she was trying to smile in the next few images...These ladies stole my heart!Unconditional love. That. Is. All. The pups began to get tired so we moved inside for dinnertime. This is always a nervous time for Lou's parents. They must closely watch Lou to make sure she is remaining pain-free when opening her mouth to eat. Her appetite is still strong and that is always a good sign!And of course Kirra can't miss a trick!Something as simple as watching your dog eat can easily be taken for granted. For Lou's parents, they enjoy every minute of it.After the photo shoot and with full bellies, the ladies were ready to settle down for their evening nap. Lou, I hope with all of my heart that the radiation is going well. Much love to you and your family. xx!