Andora & Achilles - Boxer Buddies

In my opinion, Boxers are some of the most expressive and fun dogs to be around. I'm sure you can imagine my delight when I found out I would be photographing not one, but two of them during this session! Not surprisingly, Andora and Achilles didn't disappoint! We met on a gorgeous evening with some of the nicest weather we've had in a while. It was immediately obvious how different Andora and Achilles' looks and personalities were. However, despite their endearing differences, they make an adorable family don't they?!?

Andora is the more "mature" of the fur-kids and she shows her age so gracefully. She's definitely the calmer of the two and prefers to hang out and kinda watch the action take place.Achilles, on the other hand, is still very puppy-like even at 4 years old. He's go-go-go and loves to chase his toys andΒ give huge, slobbery kisses. Such a cutie-pie!I was so excited to have some lovely evening light to show off these pups in all their fabulousness!And the whole family...Andora happily accepts some human kisses...I think Achilles wanted to look serious for this picture. Do you think he pulled it off? ;)And here is Achilles doing what he loves most...playing!Andora just sat back and watched everyone at the park. She's such a sweetheart!And one last one of Achilles being Achilles...

I hope these pups enjoy their sneak peek! I can't wait to see them again so I can cuddle with Andora and get kisses from Achilles. :)