Amos - Humane Society Cover Dog

A new tradition began at the Humane Society of Charlotte's 2012 Ties and Tails Gala. It was the first year they auctioned off the opportunity to have your dog be the "Cover Dog" for the event. This meant your pup would be on all of the promotional pieces advertising the next Gala. Yep, that meant on websites, printed ads, newspaper and magazine articles, etc. How cool is that?!? The winner of the 2012 auction and 2013 Cover Dog was Emma (check out her images here). She had her image blasted all over the Charlotte area and her mom loved every minute of it! :)

The winner of the auction this year was Amos, an oh-so-handsome black Giant Schnauzer. During our brief session together, this stunner managed to pull of all kinds of looks for the Humane Society to choose from. Could he possibly be the next Zoolander?!? I personally love his big smile pose.

If you are interested in having your dog be the Cover Dog for the 2015 Ties and Tails Gala, be sure to attend the Gala in October and bid away! In the meantime, I look forward to seeing Amos's cute mug all around Charlotte this year!

Charlotte NC Pet PhotographerHumane Society of Charlotte Cover DogTies and Tails GalaTies and Tails Gala winnerGiant Schnauzer Model