Snoopy and Ollie

The idea of an Angel Session is never easy on a pet parent. Therefore, I try to keep the shoot lighthearted and fun and we try to focus on the positive. For example, the evening of Ollie and Snoopy's session, the weather cooperated gorgeously and we had a great, relaxing time hanging out around the house. We had scheduled plenty of time since we were starting with a kitty (and you never know how they'll react to a session) so everyone had the chance to be chill without becoming uncomfortable.

One of my models was Ollie, a very handsome cat that is prone to seizures. He is on medication and is managing well (despite a big scare a couple weeks after our session). We introduced ourselves on the back porch and eventually moved on to the kingdom of his backyard...

Charlotte NC Cat Photographer
Charlotte NC Pet Photographer

He looks like the king of the jungle here...

Charlotte NC Cat Photography
Mooresville NC Cat Photographer
Mooresville NC Cat Photographer
North Carolina Cat Photographer

My other fabulous model was Snoopy. Now, if it wasn't for Snoopy's mom telling me she was sick, I would have no idea. At 13 years old, she was still high energy, able to do her tricks, and project the biggest smile. Sadly, underneath appearances, she was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma. I'm so lucky to have met her on a good day. :) I love this sweetie...

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Mooresville NC Dog Photographer
Mooresville NC Dog Photographer

Serious smiles for days...

Dog Portraits
Charlotte NC Pet Photographer
Modern Images for Posh Pets

Snoopy never stopped moving. Her energy and obvious love for her family pulled at my heart.

Lake Norman Pet Portaits
North Carolina Pet Portaits

Sending all the love in the world to Ollie and Snoopy's family. Your amazing work in the community shows what big hearts you have. May it all be reciprocated when you need it most.