Francis - Wily Westie

When I found out that one of my latest clients was going to be a Westie, I was beyond excited. When I saw the weather forecast was full of sunshine for days around our session date, I was on cloud nine! Could it be more perfect?!? Well, Francis, the adorable little Westie seen below, had different plans. Honestly, she was not keen of the camera AT ALL. Francis' mom got a little preview the week before our session when some other photographers were at her house shooting for a designer's portfolio. They wanted Francis in the images but she was NOT having it! Lol! When I arrived, no amount of treats, toys, funny noises, or cuddles were going to convince her that the "big black eye" was ok. She used every opportunity she found to sneak back in the house or turn her back to the camera. However, with patience and some sneaky maneuvers, we managed to get some lovely shots of this wily little Westie.

Many thanks to Francis' mom for being patient and holding Francis' beloved cheese. I hope you enjoy this little sneak peak! :)